Reporting Options


使用酒精或毒品绝不能使一个人成为性暴力的罪魁祸首. Moreover, 不应因为担心他们可能因相关的毒品违法行为而受到纪律处分,就阻止基督教妇女联会的成员报告性暴力事件, alcohol, or other University policies.  在相关调查或诉讼中的投诉人或证人不会因在事件发生时或附近发生的相关违反行为政策而受到大学的纪律处分,除非大学确定违规行为严重, including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, 学术上的不诚实或将他人的健康和安全置于危险之中的行为.

Where and How to report

For those that have experienced sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and/or related retaliation, there are several reporting options available.  根据事件的性质,许多人选择向多个实体报告.

Administrative - Title IX and Gender Equity

You may report to the Campus Title IX Coordinator, 他们将向您提供有关调查和处理事件的适用大学投诉程序的书面和口头信息。. 第九条协调员还将向您提供有关您可用资源的信息, as well as information regarding your rights and options. 第九条协调员的联系信息列在上面.

校园第九条协调员还将与您讨论大学在调查结束或可能的纪律处分之前可能提供的任何合理的支持措施,以减少或消除对您的负面影响,并为您提供可用的帮助. Examples include: adjustment to work assignments, course schedules or supervisory reporting relationship; requiring the Respondent to move from University-owned or affiliated housing; immediately prohibiting the Respondent from coming to the University; or prohibiting the Respondent from contacting the parties involved in the reported incident. 无论您是否选择向校园警察或执法部门报告事件,您都可以使用这些选项. 第九条协调员将随时为您提供协助,并根据您的要求提供合理的补救措施, investigative, and disciplinary processes, and thereafter.

If it is determined that University policy was violated, the Respondent will be subject to discipline, 最高可达开除或开除学籍. 您有权由您选择的顾问陪同您参加任何相关会议或程序, including a Confidential Advocate or domestic violence counselor. However, 如果你不希望参与调查或聆讯程序, you have the right to decline to do so.

To the extent possible, 报告给第九条协调员或其他大学员工的信息将仅与负责处理大学对事件的反应的个人共享. 除法律或大学政策另有规定外,大学将保护所涉个人的隐私. 报告可能会导致收集关于您和校园社区中其他个人的极其敏感的信息. While such information is considered confidential, 大学关于访问公共记录和披露个人信息的政策可能要求披露与报告事件有关的某些信息. In such cases, efforts will be made to redact the records, as appropriate, 为了保护您的身份和隐私以及其他相关个人的隐私. 


任何时候都可以向大学警察和/或当地执法部门报告. 如果你在事故发生后选择不立即报警, you can still make the report at a later time. However, with the passage of time, 收集证据以协助刑事起诉的能力可能有限. Depending on the circumstances, 警察可能会为你申请刑事限制令.

Health, Counseling and/or Clergy

You may choose to seek advice and assistance from physicians, psychotherapists, professional counselors, clergy, sexual assault and domestic violence counselors and advocates, including individuals who work or volunteer for them.

Civil Lawsuit

You may choose to file a civil lawsuit against the Respondent, whether or not criminal charges have been filed. 民事诉讼为你提供了获得实际损害赔偿的机会, which may include compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, and emotional distress.

你也可以选择申请保护令或限制令(如家庭暴力限制令或民事骚扰限制令). 限制令必须从事件发生地的法院获得. 限制令可以保护那些经历过或有理由害怕身体暴力的受害者, sexual misconduct, dating or domestic violence, or stalking. 大学警察和你的校园第九条协调员可以帮助你获得保护令或限制令.

Confidential Reporting

Visit the Confidential Reporting page 获取有关保密报告选项的详细信息.


我们强烈建议您向警方和/或校园第九条协调员报告任何事件,以便采取措施保护您和校园社区的其他成员. However, non-reporting is also an option.