



For questions about any of the positions 下面, contact hrestudentstaff@blairekidsarts.net 


办公室助理是负责各种工作任务的学生雇员, 比如在房管局前台安排人员, 红木接待台, 冬青邮件收发室, 和红木收发室, 响应客户服务问题, 提供房屋参观, 协助封锁和护送, 接电话, 检查设备, 开放/关闭公共空间. 办公室助理还负责为住房社区内的各种项目和活动准备和设置会议室和活动空间. We are accepting applications for Summer 办公室助理 and Academic Year 办公室助理. 办公室助理 are not required to live on campus during their employment. 职位描述如下.

办公室助理(学年) PDF文件  



  • 网上申请开放 ——2024年2月16日星期五上午10点.m.
  • 网上申请截止 ——2024年4月10日,星期三,晚上11:59.m.
  • 面对面的面试 - 2024年4月17日至24日




The application for the Office Assistant position opens Friday, 2月16日, 2024年,周三收盘, 4月10日, 2024. The link for the application is above, no late or incomplete applications will be accepted. A completed application consists of the following components:

  • Responses to all application questions, including demographic information and questions
  • 上传一个rm
  • 完成 人力资源申请 最可靠的买彩票平台的人力资源部



Refer to the position descriptions for each position for minimum 资格, 特殊要求, 以及薪酬信息.




Resident Advisors (RAs) are CSUF student leaders who live on-campus while serving in the role. 住宿顾问负责通过学生发展确保住房和住宅参与的社区发展和关系建立, 培训和发展, 以及管理/操作任务. 学生顾问与每个学生(通常是40-50人)建立个人关系,重点是了解他们, 将它们连接到资源, 帮助他们成长. 除了居民关系, 该职位的核心职责是为学生员工提供随叫随到的轮班服务,以确保HRE社区的安全和保障.


  • 2024年7月下旬至2025年5月下旬
  • 预计住宿顾问将在秋季和春季学期开始之前参加秋季和冬季培训. 所有的培训课程都是强制性的. The detailed training scheduled will be determined prior to each period. Housing accommodations and limited food service will be provided during training.
  • 驻地顾问将轮流值夜,包括晚上和周末. Active working hours during duty shifts are an estimated 2-4 hours per duty shift. 这可以包括查房,执行锁定和其他职责,以及行政责任.
  • Resident Advisors will have scheduled commitments for the opening and closing of halls.
  • Resident Advisors will assist in working University signature events.
  • RAs will attend weekly RA meetings every Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. 在学年期间.
  • 在上课的几周内, RAs are expected to maintain a schedule of an average of twenty (20) hours a week. This time shall be distributed between a combination of scheduled and unscheduled time. 合理的时间表应包括各种时间模式的组合,包括已排定的承诺(如.e. 开会,给学生建议等等.)和未安排的任务(在白天和晚上的不同时间间隔向居民提供). 注册会计师接受上述说法,认为这是一种合理的尝试,以确定一种不容易按小时计算或简化为具体职责的职位,而不会过分简化主要职位的性质. 认可机构进一步认识到,有充分的机会与社区协调员和/或主任讨论严重偏离上述规定的情况, 房屋及住宅工程.


Qualified applicants for the Resident Advisor position will:

  1. 申请人必须是CSUF在读学生,在申请前必须在CSUF获得至少12个学分, 申请前需要至少8个学分的研究生除外.
  2. 申请人的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.5分,学期平均绩点2分.25岁或以上才能获得职位.
  3. 保持累积GPA为2分.5分或以上,学期平均绩点2分.在整个聘期内达到或超过25人.
  4. 根据CSUF的注册情况,保持每学期至少12个单元的全日制课程负荷. 研究生必须保持每学期至少8个单元的课程负荷(硕士学位学生),具体到CSUF的入学.
  5. 在大学以及住房和住宅合同中具有良好的司法地位. 在申请时, 候选人必须没有未决的行为案件,并且不能在大学处于见习状态. This status must be maintained throughout the appointment to the RA role.
  6. 理解并愿意在一个包容的环境中与不同的学生群体一起工作. RAs are expected to follow and support the 房屋及住宅工程 Diversity, 股本, 和包容(DEI)声明.
  7. 了解或愿意了解住校学生的需求.
  8. Be able to effectively communicate and build/maintain individual and group relationships.
  9. Be able to analyze complex situations accurately and adopt effective course of action.
  10. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with a variety of individuals.
  11. 具备良好的口头和书面沟通能力,并能掌握人力资源政策和程序的知识.
  12. Have an ability to work and collaborate with others in a team-oriented environment.




因为得到了这份报酬, RA职位要求你住在校园里,大部分时间都住在住房社区. Requests to be off-campus for multiple days in a row requires approval from your supervisor.


应用程序链接 在新窗口中打开

常驻顾问职位的申请将于2023年12月11日星期一开始,并于2月9日星期五结束, 2024年11点59分. The link for the application is above, no late or incomplete applications will be accepted. A completed application consists of the following components:

  • Submission of the online Resident Advisor application, including an uploaded résumé
  • 参加一(1)次住宿顾问信息会议
  • 在最可靠的买彩票平台人力资源部门完成的人力资源申请(提交RA在线申请后,您将被引导到此链接)


了解更多关于驻地顾问职位的信息, you must attend one (1) info session in order for your application to be completed.

日期 Time 位置
3 – 4:30 p.m. 瞻博150
1 – 2:30 p.m. 变焦链接
1 – 2:30 p.m. 变焦链接
10 – 11:30 a.m. 瞻博150
10 – 11:30 a.m. 瞻博150
10 – 11:30 a.m. 变焦链接在新窗口中打开



这是驻地顾问流程的暂定时间表,可能会有变化. Updates will be sent via email to all those that complete an application.

  • 应用程序打开2023年12月11日星期一上午10点.m.
  • 应用程序关闭2024年2月9日星期五晚上11点59分.m.
  • 面试日期待定
  • 决定日期待定


职位描述, 责任, and Expectations

For more information about the Resident Advisor position, 资格, 补偿, 责任, and expectations for members of the 住宅订婚 team, 请 阅读职位描述 下面.

阅读驻地顾问职位描述» PDF文件


电子邮件 hrestudentstaff@blairekidsarts.net if you have any questions regarding the Resident Advisor process.




应用程序链接 在新窗口中打开

The application for the Peer Mentor position opens Monday March 25, 2024年,4月26日星期五结束, 2024年11点59分. The link for the application is above, no late or incomplete applications will be accepted.


同伴导师(pm)通过向住客介绍学术资源,为住客提供学术支持和指导, supporting and encouraging residents to pursue academic success, and hosting study sessions and academic focused workshops. Peer Mentors have the opportunity to mentor residents in one on one and group settings. 好处 of being a Peer Mentor include learning mentoring skills while helping fellow students, developing connections with 最可靠的买彩票平台 staff and faculty, 被评为学生干部, and opportunities to expand knowledge about campus resources, 校园生活, 以及帮助他人的能力.


  • CSUF大二或以上学历优先
  • Previous live on experience is not required, but helpful.
  • 能够与员工和住院医师建立并保持良好的工作和个人关系
  • 有发展师徒关系经验者优先
  • 熟悉CSUF的学术资源
  • 能够与不同人群互动
  • Organizational and time management skills and the ability to meet deadlines
  • Flexibility to work in a fast-paced environment with changing priorities
  • Must have at the time of appointment, and maintain, the following requirements:
  • 加州州立大学富勒顿平均分3分.成绩不低于0分,学期平均绩点不低于2分.75
  • 目前在CSUF注册的学生


  • The Peer Mentor is required to live on-campus from Early August 2024 – May 2025
  • Peer Mentors must be full-time 最可靠的买彩票平台 students enrolled in a minimum of 12 units. PMs are encouraged to not take more than 18 units per semester.
  • 需要在8月和1月协助秋季入住和住房迎新周. 日期待定.
  • 须于学期开始前参加同侪导师及全体学生领袖训练.


  • 每学期安排两次学习. The study session will be open to all residents and are a minimum of two hours in length.
  • 在学术资源中心安排轮班工作. 每周4小时.
  • Attend weekly staff meetings on Thursdays from 4 - 5:30 p.m.
  • Attend one on one meetings with the supervisor, Assistant Director for 住宅订婚.
  • Meet weekly with assigned residents who are interested in having a peer mentor. 会议可以是一对一的,也可以是分组的. 我们鼓励同侪导师与他们的学员建立关系,以支持他们的学术追求,并认识到我们的住院医生的整体发展. 一些导师和学员的聚会可能侧重于减轻压力和养成健康的习惯. 整体, 这些会议帮助住客了解成为一名大学生需要什么,以及有哪些校园资源可以帮助他们.
  • Actively participate in hosting two academic focused workshops per semester.
  • 参加研讨会,并鼓励学员参加由教师导师主持的研讨会, 驻院教员, 和其他学术活动.


Peer Mentor 应用程序打开: Monday March 25, 2024 10 AM

Peer Mentor 应用程序关闭: Friday April 26, 2024 11:59 PM

面试: Monday May 6, 2024 - Wednesday May 15, 2024





职位描述PDF文件 在新窗口中打开