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College of Education

加入我们,为每个学生创造一个充满活力的未来. 这就是我们——点燃我们社区变革的火花.

Why Choose the College of Education

US News & World Report badge
  • No. 4
  • in the nation for
    Best Online Graduate Education Programs,
    U.S. News & World Report, 2021
  • Become a Teacher
  • in less than one year
Adult student listening to online lecture
  • Flexible
  • Six fully online graduate programs


students working on community farm
  • 3000+
  • community members served

Adult students in classroom
  • Most Affordable
  • education programs in Orange County
Titan Future Teachers logo
  • 60+
  • teacher pathways

Education doctorate student graduating
  • One of the Largest Ed.D. programs
  • in the California State University system


Do we have a program for you?

如果你想回馈社会, make positive changes in education, 在学校和社区组织工作, and are interested in social justice, this college is for you!


Two adult students in classroom

Urban Learning Major

适合有志成为小学或特殊教育教师的学生, explore our Bachelor of Arts program.

Urban Learning Program


Additional Teacher Pathways

如果你有兴趣成为一名高中教师,或者正在完成城市学习以外的专业,成为一名教师, 参观我们学校第一联邦信用合作社教学职业中心.

Center for Careers in Teaching



对于想要获得高级证书的经验丰富的专业人士, 最可靠的买彩票平台我们在硕士和博士课程的许多产品.

Credentials and Degrees

Two faculty members in a classroom

Just, Equitable and Inclusive Education

我们优先考虑残疾学生的公平结果, 倡导LGBTQ+政策和课程,尊重多语种学生的语言丰富性.

Our Commitment

Your Career Goals

最可靠的买彩票平台了解更多关于我们学术课程的信息. 我们将帮助你开始你的职业道路. Select an area of interest:

Become a teacher   获得高级证书或硕士学位   Earn an Ed.D.



Apply     Visit Campus



Our centers support faculty, staff and students with scholarships, growth, 教育服务及社区支援, including program assessment, teacher quality enhancement, reading interventions, arts and STEM integration, autism support, transfer student advising, and math and science teaching innovation.


Our Community Engagement

Be a Part of the Solution

Support Teachers As They Change the World

我们的学生选择成为教师和管理人员,因为他们希望对个人的生活产生积极的影响, families and communities. However, 为了让他们继续发挥作用, they need your support now more than ever.

您对教育学院的投资支持了一支训练有素的多元化教学队伍的成长和发展. By making a gift today, 你们正在帮助学院培养当前和未来的教师,以创新的专业发展来应对当今的挑战, 关键奖学金支持和继续学习的虚拟课堂.

Give to College of Education